Keep the watch
The Comedian
The Tragedian
The Aged
The Ingénue
The Lovers
Plaster - Februllage 2024
Lot's Wife
Lot's Wife
Lot's Wife
Lot's Wife
Bonfire Night
Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates
I'm right here
My father, the theologian
If I may touch his clothes, I shall be whole
She expected me to carry her forever
Pray over your home
When I'm a grown up
Lying causes cavities
Beach Day
Your treasures
The Neighborhood
It's falling apart
Cain & Abel
Cain & Abel: Mother always did like you best
Cain & Abel: Your sacrifices were always the freshest
Cain & Abel: What's their problem?
Cain & Abel
What tape do you play over and over again?
It's not so far
That's how I remember it
Well, I have the washing done, and the supper dishes put away.
Meet me at the pool
The doctor will see you now.
I live in your words.
Special Opportunity Enrollment Application
Out of Frame
Please give my love to the rest of the family, saving out a generous portion for yourself.
The Space Between
A woman's place is everywhere
Stormy Weather
That's how I remember it
Within the confines of my illness...
When everything changed
Free Will or Predestination?
Protect Yourself
That's how I remember it
Exit stage left
The Neighborhood
Pattern Play
Inappropriate material around children burns me up
The Evil One
SS Underalls
Exit stage left
How to be alone with yourself
How to be alone with yourself
I used to live here, but I don't live here anymore
Run home
It's ladies work.
The Neighborhood
The Settler
How it felt
What a tangle web
Popcorn - Februllage 2024
Tag Me
Portrait of an artist as a tired mom